A Glance at Jordan Peterson - 12 Rules for Life

A Glance at Jordan Peterson - 12 Rules for Life

Jordan Peterson Psychology Personal Development Life Advice


This blog simplifies and explains the 12 rules for life by Jordan Peterson. It is a unique and insightful blog that will help you understand the rules and how to apply them in your life. I hope you find it helpful and inspiring.

Rule 1: Stand Up Straight with Your Shoulders Back

In one sentence: Embrace your life with confidence and assertiveness.

Think of the first day at a new job, or a presentation in front of a large audience. You might feel the overwhelming urge to shrink, nervous, anxious, and insecure. But recalling Peterson’s advice and straighting up, you will feel more confident and assertive. It was only a small physical adjustment, but it sparked a significant shift in your mental state. Confidence is always a great choice we can make before we can feel it.

Rule 2: Treat Yourself Like Someone You Are Responsible for Helping

In one sentence: Take care of yourself as you would take care of someone you really care about.

I always talk to my friends about the importance of having a healthy lifestyle, keeping a good diet, and exercising regularly. But when it comes to myself, I often neglect these things. Peterson’s advice is a reminder that we should treat ourselves with the same care and attention we give to others. It’s also a powerful reminder that self-compassion is not selfish but essential.

Rule 3: Make Friends with People Who Want the Best for You

In one sentence: Surround yourself with people who genuinely support your growth.

I remember a time when I was surrounded by people who were always hanging around without any goals or ambitions. Yeah, it was fun but also draining, wasting my time and energy. Just like Peterson says, we should choose our friends wisely. With good relationships that build us up, we can aim higher and achieve more.

Rule 4: Compare Yourself to Who You Were Yesterday, Not to Who Someone Else Is Today

In one sentence: Focus on personal growth rather than always comparing yourself to others.

Social media has made it easier than ever to compare our lives to others, but it doesn’t really help us grow without keeping our focus on ourselves. It might bring us down, make us feel unhappy, and even lead to depression.

Rather then:

Why can’t I be like them? Why can’t I have what they have?

It would be better to ask ourselves: What I already have? What can I do to improve myself? What can these stuffs really bring to me?

This shift in perspective will help us to focus on our personal growth and development.

Rule 5: While I don’t have a child yet ;^).

I will go back here at a later time of my life.